Nancy Kerr and James Fagan

English duo singing mainly traditional English songs and traditional English tunes.

(Nancy Kerr has recorded with Sandra Kerr, Scalene and Eliza Carthy.)
(Nancy Kerr and James Fagan have recorded with Robert Harbron as "Kerr Fagan Harbron".)
(Sandra Kerr has recorded with John Faulkner and solo.)
(Nancy Kerr is the daughter of Sandra Kerr)

Sandra Kerr, Nancy Kerr and James Fagan.

Scalene1999Fellside  FECD107

Nancy Kerr and James Fagan.

Stary Gazy Pie1998Fellside  FECD127 
Sleely Water1999Fellside  FECD145 
Between The Dark and Light2002Fellside FECD167
Strands of Gold2006Fellside FECD199 
Twice Reflected Sun2010 Navigator  

Best albums(*).

Strands of Gold2006

(*)Based on critical opinion.

Popular downloads.

Reel Du Pendu
Locks and Bolts
The Berkshire Tragedy
Jack Orion/ Rusty Jack

Session recordings by Nancy Kerr (fiddle).

Performer. Title year. Label. number.
Maddie Southorn The Pilgrim Soul 2005 Fellside  FECD 193

Album tracks.

Steely Water Running time: ?? min ?? seconds. Recorded 1999. Nancy Kerr (violin, viola, cello, guitar, mandolin). James Fagan (bouzouki, whistle), Sandra Kerr (concertina, guitar)



Seven Long Night: Instr 
Andersons Coast: instr 
Reel Du Pendu: instr 
The Lowlands of Holland 
The Emu Egg: instr 
Searching For Lambs 
Nancy Cloughs Jonny Sunshine: instr 
The Wild Colonial Boy 
Proceed To Slough: instr 
Gan To The Kye Peacock Follow The Hen 
Sir Richards Song 
Lion Island The Manxman; instr 

Last updated on 06/09/2010