
Drinking Borealis Mead - James Prescott (words and music)


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Drinking Borealis Mead

Words and music copyright © 1985 James Prescott

( Click on MP3 to listen to an MP3 version of the tune. )

drinking borealis mead music

From a bright new pavilion that looks very trim,
As it stands in the sun at the big eric's rim,
Come a fond loving couple with a smug little grin,
And we know what they've been doing there.


They were drinking Borealis mead,
It's the only drink that they will ever need,
When they are sitting by the fire,
With a glass of heart's desire,
It will raise their spirits higher,
Let us all join in the choir.
When we are drinking Borealis mead,
When we are drinking Borealis mead.

There's a young fighter facing his very first duke,
But his helm spins round twice when he gets his rebuke,
As we do off his armour, now the sight makes us puke,
But we know we can soon bring him round.

With a drink of Borealis mead,
It's the only drink that he will ever need ...

Now our courtyard, post-revel, is such a disgrace,
For the bodies lie scattered all over the place,
But roll one of them over, see the smile on her face,
And it's clear why she's lying out there.

She was drinking Borealis mead,
It's the only drink that she will ever need ...

Now the Baron has bungled a fine fricassee,
And the rabbit is ruined; 'twas the wrong recipe,
Now he sleeps with his face in a small subtlety,
And we think he's been drinking again.

He was drinking Borealis mead,
It's the only drink that he will ever need ...

We sit under this tree in the cold springtime rain,
We're in mud to the waist, but we're feeling no pain,
We are drenched to the skin, and our lute's filled with rain,
But we're warbling this carefree refrain.

We've been drinking Borealis mead,
It's the only drink that we will ever need ...

[ There are several errors in the original manuscript of the music for this song, and hence in previously published versions of the music. This version of the music is more accurate. ]




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