114. Porpoise.
Split it along the back, cook it in water, and slice it into strips like venison.
Take some wine and water from your fish, grind ginger, cassia, cloves, grains of paradise, long pepper and
a bit of saffron, [boil], and make a good clearish broth. It should not be too yellow. Serve it like a
subtlety, with a White Dish.
115. [Red] gurnard, red mullet, [grey] gurnard.
Clean it through the belly, wash it very well, put it in the pan with some salt on
top and then some water, and cook it. Eat it with Cameline [Sauce]. If you wish to eat it roasted, split
the shoulders along the back, wash it, and roast it. Plunge it repeatedly in verjuice, sprinkle Spice
Powder on top, and eat it with verjuice. If you wish it in a pie, eat it with Cameline [Sauce].
116. Conger.
Scalded like eel, cooked in water, and then salted like red mullet; eaten with
[Green] Sauce. Some (when it is cooked) roast it on the grill. Put it in the oven if you wish.
117. Stockfish.
Soak it for three days in water, wash it very well, and fry it in oil without
flour. Eat it with Garlic Cameline [Sauce] like ray. Some eat it with its own juices, as one eats venison,
or with Mustard [Sauce].
118. Dogfish.
Cleaned like red mullet, cooked in water, and then peeled like ray; eaten with
Garlic Cameline [Sauce].