
Le Viandier de Taillevent - Bibliography


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Primary source

Taillevent. Le Viandier. Published as Le Viandier de Guillaume Tirel dit Taillevent edited by J. Pichon and G. Vicaire 1892. Second edition 1893. Third edition edited by S. Martinet. Slatkine Reprints. Geneva. 1967.

Works consulted during translation.

Cambridge Italian Dictionary (2 vols). Cambridge University Press. 1962.

Manger et boire au moyen age (2 vols). Actes du Colloque de Nice, 1982. Centre d'études medievales de Nice. Les Belles Lettres. 1984.

Dictionnaire moderne français-anglais anglais-français. Librairie Larousse. 1960.

Harrap's Standard French & English Dictionary. Harrap. 1962.

Le Robert & Collins dictionnaire français-anglais English-French. Collins. 1987.

The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (3 vols). Oxford University Press. 1987.

Trésor de la langue française (vols 1-12 only). Editions du centre national de la recherche scientifique. 1971-1978.

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. Ninth edition. G. & C. Merriam. 1986.

Aliquot, H. "Les épices à la table des papes d'Avignon au XIVe siècle." In Manger et boire au moyen age.

v'Amberview, T. The Compleat Dagger-Lickin Good. Raymond's Quiet Press. 1986.




Aresty, E. The Delectable Past. Award Books. 1964.

Baldinger, K. Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français (vols G1-G3 only). Universite de Laval. 1974.

Beebe, R. Sallets, Humbles & Shrewsbery Cakes. David R. Godine. 1976.

Black, M. Food and Cooking in Medieval Britain. English Heritage. 1985.

Bos, A. Glossaire de la langue d'oil (XI - XIV C). First edition 1891. Slatkine Reprints. 1974.

Brears, P. Food and Cooking in 16th Century Britain. English Heritage. 1985.

Brereton, G. and Ferrier, J. Le Menagier de Paris. Author unknown. First published about 1393. Oxford University Press. 1981.

Castillo, C. and Bond, O. The University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary. Third edition edited by L. Canfield. Pocket Books. 1977.

Doursther, H. Dictionnaire universel des poids et mesures anciens et modernes. First edition 1840. Meridian Publishing. 1965.

du Chat, K. How to Cook Forsoothly. Raymond's Quiet Press. 1979.

Farmer, F. The Fannie Farmer Cookbook. First edition 1896. Twelfth edition edited by M. Cunningham. Alfred A. Knopf. 1979.

Flandrin, J-L. "Internationalisme, nationalisme et régionalisme dans la cuisine des XIVe et XVe siècles." In Manger et boire au moyen age.

Flandrin, J-L., Hyman, P. and Hyman, M. Le cuisinier françois. First edition 1651. Bibliotheque Bleue. Montalba. 1983.




Freeman, M. Herbs for the Mediaeval Household. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 1943.

Gerard, J. The History of Plants. First edition 1597. New edition edited by M. Woodward 1927. Bracken Books. 1985.

Godefroy, F. Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française (10 vols). First edition 1880. Krause Reprint. 1965.

Gomez de Silva, G. Elsevier's Concise Spanish Etymological Dictionary. Elsevier. 1985.

Grandsaignes d'Hauterive, R. Dictionnaire d'ancien francais. Librairie Larousse. 1947.

Greimas, A. Dictionnaire de l'ancien français. Librairie Larousse. 1969.

Grieve, M. A Modern Herbal. Edited by H. Leyel. Penguin Books. 1931.

Guilbert, L. et al. Grand Larousse de la langue française (7 vols). Librairie Larousse. 1978.

Hartley, D. Lost Country Life. Pantheon Books. 1979.

Hieatt, C. and Butler, S. Pleyn Delit. University of Toronto Press. 1979.

Hieatt, C. and Butler, S. Curye on Inglysch. Oxford University Press. 1985.

Huguet, E. Dictionnaire de la langue française du seizième siècle (7 vols). Didier. 1961.

Labarge, M. A Baronial Household of the Thirteenth Century. Barnes & Noble. 1980.

Liddell, H. and Scott, R. Greek-English Lexicon. Abridged edition. Oxford University Press. 1871.

Littré, E. Dictionnaire de la langue française (7 vols). Gallimard/Hachette. 1958.




Montagne, P. Larousse Gastronomique. First edition 1938. Translated and edited by N. Froud et al. Paul Hamlyn. 1961.

Plouvier, L. "La gastronomie dans le viandier de Taillevent et le menagier de Paris." In Manger et boire au moyen age.

Power, E., (trans). The Goodman of Paris (Le Menagier de Paris). Author unknown. Written about 1393. George Routledge & Sons. 1928.

Rombauer, I. and Becker, M. Joy of Cooking. Plume Books. 1964.

Rosengarten, F. The Book of Spices. Jove Books. 1973.

Sabban, F. "Le savoir-cuire dans le menagier de Paris et le viandier de Taillevent." In Manger et boire au moyen age.

Santich, B. "L'influence italienne sur l'évolution de la cuisine médiévale catalane." In Manger et boire au moyen age.

Sass, L. To the King's Taste. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1975.

Sass, L. To the Queen's Taste. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1976.

Scully, T., (trans). Chiquart's 'On Cookery' (A Fifteenth-century Savoyard Culinary Treatise). Peter Lang. 1986.

Scully, T., (ed). The Viandier of Taillevent. University of Ottawa Press. 1988.

Stone, L. and Rothwell, W. Anglo-Norman Dictionary (vols 1-5 only). Modern Humanities Research Association. 1977-1988.

Tobler, A. Altfranzösisches Wörterbuch (vols 1-10 only). First edition 1915. Edited by E. Lommatzsch 1925. Franz Steiner Verlag. 1954.

Traupman, J. The New College Latin & English Dictionary. Bantam Books. 1966.




Tuchman, B. A Distant Mirror. Ballantine. 1978.

Urwin, K. A Short Old French Dictionary for Students. Basil Blackwell. 1946.

van Daele, H. Petit dictionnaire de l'ancien français. First edition 1939. Krause Reprint. 1969.

von Wartburg, W. Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (25 vols). Zbinden Druck und Verlag. 1948-1970.

Zupko, R. French weights and measures before the revolution. Indiana University Press. 1978.

Additional works consulted to locate any previous translation.

Book Review Digest 1905-1974. H.W. Wilson. 1976.

Catalogue of the London Library 1914-1950.

Catalogue of the printed books in the Edinburgh University Library. 1918.

Cumulative Book Index. 1928 through 1986. H.W. Wilson.

Index Translationum. 1932 through 1980. UNESCO.

National Union Catalog (18 vols). Library of Congress. 1980.

Peabody Institute Library 1892-1904.

Peddie, R. Subject Index of Books to 1880 (4 vols). H. Pordes. 1962.

Vicaire, G. Bibliographie gastronomique. First edition 1890. Second edition reprinted. Holland Press. 1954.




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